Besøg CP3Origins, SDU

SDU, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Mødested: U152
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Onsdag, 19. februar 2014 - 12:00
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Visit The Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology and learn about the dark and light matters of the universe.

Highly ambitious scientific experiments around the world are currently unveiling Nature’s innermost secrets. On July 4, 2012 the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN announced the discovery of a new high-energy particle, revealing information about the basic laws of the universe. This discovery heralds a new and extremely exciting era in high-energy physics. At the same time the cosmic frontier is being explored by the Planck mission of ESA’s Horizon Program. Planck will lead to unprecedented heights in the understanding of the early universe and the origin of cosmic structure. Many more state-of-the-art experiments are searching for direct or indirect traces of a mysterious form of non-luminous matter. This dark matter is five times more abundant than atoms, the bright matter. Thus, at CP3Origins aim to: Discover the origins of the bright and dark side of the universe. And we look forward to teaching our discoveries to you during this visit.


Foredrag Kosmologi og Big Bang v/ Martin Sloth
Foredrag Mørkt stof eller Higgs? v/ Mads Toudal Frandsen
Foredrag Mørkt stof og neutron stjerner v/ Chris Kouvaris 
Foredrag v/ Thomas Ryttov
Prøv selv kræfter med opgaver om mørkt stof og evt. Higgs partiklen. Du finder opgaverne, som der arbejdes med i det vedhæftede dokument. Kig gerne lidt på dem derhjemme  - du er selvfølgelig også velkommen til at gå så småt igang derhjemme, men dette er ikke et krav, opgaveløsningen er en programsat del af aktiviteten.


BEMÆRK: Du skal selv medbringe madpakke til spisepausen!!




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