VIRTUELT | What can we learn from history through a socio-economic perspective?

Samfundsvidenskabelig aktivitet om de socioøknomiske erfaringer, som man gjorde sig omkring 1920'erne indenfor immigrations- og sundhedspolitik. Igennem teoretiske oplæg og diskussion af forskellige cases får du indblik i hvilke erfaringer man tidligere har gjort sig inden for politiske emner som immigration og pandemi-håndtering, og hvordan den viden kan anvendes i dag.
What ca we learn from history through a socio-economic perspective?
w/Associate Professor Philipp Ager, Department of Business and Economics, SDU
What can we learn from history through a socio-economic perspective?
In this class we will analyze two important events in 20th century history to discuss whether those provide any important insights for recent policy discussions.
In the first module, we will learn more about the economic consequences of introducing immigration restrictions for countries that received immigrants. The United States substantially reduced immigrant entry by imposing country-specific quotas at the beginning of 1920s. We will study how the economy adjusted to this restrictions during the 1920s and discuss whether one could observe similar patterns after immigration policy changes in modern times.
In the second module, we will talk about the effects of school closure during the last worldwide pandemic before COVID-19 – the 1918-19 influenza pandemic. We will talk about how the situation of school closures historically differed from those of today and whether any lessons can be drawn for school policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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