Probing the Fundamental Laws of Nature
Probing the Fundamental Laws of Nature
v/Professor Francesco Sannino, Fysik, SDU
The discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider has opened a new era in particle physics. It is unlike any previously discovered elementary particle and its nature challenges decades old paradigms. With it, our microscopic description of nature, the Standard Model, is not fundamental and demands new theoretical developments. Other observations remain unanswered as the origin and nature of dark matter, the source of neutrino masses, and the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter required for our existence.
I will therefore introduce novel theories which are truly fundamental. The foundation is our pioneering work on asymptotically safe quantum field theories and our deeper understanding of the dynamics of asymptotically free theories. I will show how these findings can be used to build new fundamental theories of nature aimed at solving long-standing problems and how these theories can be probed via either supercomputers or experiments.
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