Visionboarding and Goal Setting
Karriereorienteret aktivitet, hvor du gennem praktiske opgaver og øvelser bliver klogere på hvad det vil sig at sætte sig mål og at lægge en strategi for at opnå sine drømme. Du får desuden rig mulighed for at at arbejde med dine egne målsætninger og vision board.
Visionboarding and Goal Setting
v/ Director of International Business and Marketing Whitney Jorgensen, Paperturn
From the time you open your blurry eyes, until the time you go to bed, you’re goal setting.
You’re deciding what to wear, what to eat, where to go, times to travel, where to shop, who to see, best route to school or work, when to phone people, when to watch television and more.
These are easy goals and I’ll bet you probably don’t even think of them as ‘goals’. The fact you aren’t paying attention to them makes them simple, so how can we make goals for our lifejust as brain and emotion friendly?”
- The Law of Attraction
- The power of intention
- The purpose of visionboarding
- Et blad, avis, bog e.l. med indhold om noget du elsker, som du kan klippe billeder ud af.
- Andre kreative ting/pynt, som du vil/kan klippe-klistre med.
- (vi sørger for saks, lim, karton, tuchser e.lign)
PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause men ingen forplejning, så husk madpakken.
FIND VEJ: Du finder Odense Katedralskole her!
AFVIKLER: Kira - tlf. +45 5383 6945 mail:, kontaktes på dagen hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.
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