What is light - a short introduction to quantum mechanics for everyone

SDU Odense, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Mødested: Foran U45
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Sidste tilmeldingsfrist
Torsdag, 24. oktober 2019 - 12:00

Naturvidenskabeligt besøg i laboratoriet hos Nonlinear Quantum Optics Group og forskningleder Sebastian Hofferberth, som har modtaget det prestigefyldt ERC Consolidator Grant for sit eksperimentelle arbejde med den ellers overvejende teoretiske kvantefysik.

What is light - a short introduction to quantum mechanics for everyone

w/Associate Professor Sebastian Hofferberth, Nonlinear Quantum Optics Group, SDU

Quantum mechanics, the theory developed by the likes of Bohr, Einstein and Schrˆdinger around 1920, has become the basis for modern physics, chemistry and, increasingly plays a role in technology as well.

Photons - the elementary quanta of light - are one type of quantum particles for which we can now observe all the - sometimes confusing - predictions made by quantum mechanics. One of the most important predictions is that photons actually only sometimes behave as particles, while at other times they seem to be waves. In this event, we will show you the "wave-particle duality" of Niels Bohr live in an optical interferometer to illustrate on of the core concepts of quantum mechanics for everyone. You will be able to "see" single photons and you can wonder for yourself how such particles go through two paths at the same time - or how much sense such "classical" language makes.

After this introduction, two young researchers from SDU will present their work on the frontier of quantum optics - the science of photons. Their presentations include a tour of the quantum optics labs at SDU.

The talks assumes no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics. We will introduce the basic concepts in a non-mathematical way for anyone with a general interest in science. This event is the followed by another one in the spring semester, which will focus on the quantum nature of atoms instead of photons. 


17.00 Velkommen
17.15 What is light – An introduction to quantum mechanics and photons v/Forskningsleder Sebastian Hofferberth
18.15 Pause 
18.35 Nonlinear quantum optics – our research at SDU v/Postdoc. Hannes Busche & Ph.D-stud. Nina Stiesdal
19.00 Besøg i laboratoriet & beregning og diskussion af en mindre problemstilling indenfor kvanteoptik
20.00 Tak for i dag

MEDBRING: Papir og pen

PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause, men ingen forplejning. Så husk madpakken!

FIND VEJ: Vi mødes foran U45 nær indgang F her!

AFVIKLER: Kira - tlf. +45 5383 6945 mail: kira@atusyd.dk, kontaktes på dagen hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.

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