Decision Matrix

Odense Katedralskole, Jernbanegade 34, 5000 Odense C, Lokale: A237
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Onsdag, 19. september 2018 - 12:00

Hands-on workshop, hvor du bliver introduceret til hvad et decision matrix er og hvordan det kan hjælpe dig i processer omkring at træffe komplekse beslutninger.

How to navigate the process of complex decision making

v/Lucian Cosinschi, Director for Partnerships and Student Experience, Minerva Schools at KGI

When faced with important decisions it often feels like staring into an abyss: so vast are the possibilities, so hard to know where to start, what's more important, how to compare. It is often overwhelming! In this activity, you will be introduced to a decision matrix, which will help you find your way through the confusion and make decisions.

Human minds have limitations in the ever more complex world nowadays: there is more and more information to keep in mind while making a decision, and we often deal with factors that seem hard to compare. A decision matrix is a mental tool that helps us make better decisions that go beyond simple gut feelings. A decision matrix goes beyond simple pros and cons arithmetic to systematically bring in and keep present relevant information beyond anything a human mind is able to, it makes it possible to aggregate all this information in a manageable form that one can act upon. A decision matrix integrates subjectivity and objectivity, personal values and facts about the world in a rigorous model that creates a foundation for sound action.

A decision matrix is a tool and a process used by individuals, organisations and governments faced with complex decisions. Join this activity for the introduction to a tool and a process that help manage complexity. This is a hands-on session where we'll sketch a systematic answer to questions like: “What university is right for me”. 


16.00 Welcome

16.05 Introduction to decision matrix and exercise 1

17.30 Dinner break

18.00 Decion matix theory and Exercise 2 & 3

20.00 Round-off & goddbye


BEMÆRK: Aktiviteten foregår på engelsk

MEDBRING: Pen og papir

PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause men ingen forplejning, så husk madpakken.

FIND VEJ: Du finder Odense Katedralskole her! Du finder lokale A237 i stueetagen her!

AFVIKLER: Kira - tlf. +45 5383 6945 mail:, kontaktes på dagen hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.

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