PreLIMUN 2018 - kun for LIMUN 2018-deltagere

Odense Katedralskole, Jernbanegade 34, 5000 Odense C, lokale A437/438
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Mandag, 29. januar 2018 - 12:00

Hvilken rolle spiller tillid i international politik? Foredrag og position paper workshop som optakt til LIMUN 2018

Som optakt til vores tur til London i februar, hvor I skal forhandle international politik sammen med 1600 andre unge mennesker fra hele verden, inviterer ATU Syd til en eftermiddag i Odense med fokus på international politik og på, hvordan lande forhandler med hinanden.

Trust and Distrust in International Politics

v/Associate Professor Vincent Keating, SDU

States have no choice but to interact with other states in our modern international system. They make formal and informal agreements with each other on a wide range of important issues, including security, trade, and the environment.  But why do some states trust each other to fulfil these agreements, while others do not?  To answer this question, this lecture will discuss what trust is, how it works in international politics, and explain why we need trust to tackle the most pressing issues facing humanity. 

Associate Professor Vincent Keating is Master of Science in Nationalism Studies from Edinburgh University and he is currently head of the Masters in International Security and Law program at Department of Political Science and Public Management, Southern Univeristy of Denmark. 

Vi slutter arrangementet af med pizza og en workshop om LIMUN og position paper workshop ved ATU alumner, der tidligere har deltaget i LIMUN.

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