Tech Talk | Software Architecture, System Architecture and Event Driven Architecture

Teknisk workshop, hvor du bliver klogere på den nyeste viden om teknologi og hvordan virksomheder anvender ny teknologi. Tech Talk handler om vidensdeling, netværk og at dele begejstringen for teknologi. Så du er "in for a tech treat", hvor du vil møde andre studerende, IT-professionelle og Tech-interesserede.
Tech Talk | Software Architecture, System Architecture and Event Driven Architecture
v/Tech Talk (Technology Denmark) & Hesehus A/S
During this Tech Talk Anders Clausen from Hesehus will give a talk on event-driven architecture – a distribution pattern describing a particular type of system architecture.
Event-driven architectures are typically employed in context of loosely coupled systems, where communication between individual applications happens through events. This enables a high degree of autonomy and the ability to swap applications in and out of a system during run-time – but also presents challenges of its own.
We will start out by establishing a common terminology through a short presentation of general software architecture principles including definitions and examples. We then change focus to system architectures where we will discuss differences between software- and system architecture and focus on some basic system architecture patterns.
We then transition to the topic of event-driven architectures where Anders will walk you through key concepts in event-driven architectures and discuss pros- and cons of choosing such an architecture.
Topics covered in the talk:
Software architecture, including:
- Qualities
- Layered architecture
- Domain Centric architecture
System architecture, including:
- Types
- Qualities
- N-tier architecture
Event-driven architecture, including:
- (Distributed) publisher/subscriber
- Broker-based topology
- Pros/cons
- Hybrid architectures
17:00 Welcome by Technology Denmark & International Community Odense
17.20: Introduction to Hesehus by Martin Rud Ehmsen, CTO of Hesehus
17:30 Tech Talk x Hesehus: Software Architecture, System Architecture and Event-Driven Architecture by Anders Clausen
18:25 Q&A
18:45 Networking, great company and a bite to eat
Hesehus is a leading e-commerce solution provider designing award-winning B2C and B2B webshops. They collaborate closely with their customers to create the best e-commerce solutions, including Matas, BabySam, and Zizzi.
Tech Talk
Tech Talks are meetups, workshops and networking events, where our community of students, IT-professionals and all who are interested in tech gets together. Tech Talks are about sharing knowledge, inspire each other, networking and sharing the interest for IT and tech. Tech Talks are empowered by Technology Denmark.
TILMELDING: Din endelige tilmelding skal ske direkte på Tech Talkens side her! Din tilmelding på er kun gældende for at få dit fremmøde på diplomet.
BEMÆRK: Aktiviteten afvikles af Technology Denmark, hvorfor også andre end ATU'ere kan deltage.
PRAKTIK: Afvikler byder på pizza og networking efter tech talken, hvilket er valgfrit.
AFVIKLER: Der er ingen afvikler fra ATU til stede til denne aktivitet, og du skal derfor fjernregistrere dig som deltager. Du fjernregistrerer dig ved at sende en e-mail til på dagen, når aktiviteten starter. Forsinkelser og afbud på dagen meldes også til Camilla.
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