Fordybelsesseminar F: Balancing between collaboration and tensions

Efterårets obligatoriske program består primært af en række af fordybelsesseminarer. På de enkelte fordybelsesseminarer får du mulighed for at gå i dybden med et enkelt emne inden for en given videnskab. Du ser hvordan forskellige videnskaber udfoldes og ny viden skabes.
Du deltager i tre ud af ti fordybelsesseminarer, og du vælger selv hvilke alt efter din interesse og hvor der er plads. Vi anbefaler meget, at du ikke lader geografi, men interesse afgøre dit valg mellem de forskellige muligheder
Participation of micro-enterprises and municipalities in rural development projects: Balancing between collaboration and tensions
v/Lektor Susanne Gretzinger, Institut for Entreprenørskab og Relationsledelse, Syddansk Universitet
For getting to higher levels of social and environmental sustainability within rural development projects, companies and municipalities need to collaborate. It is a matter of fact that this means that various actors with often diverging goals need to get along. This happens rather seldom without tension.
This lecture tries to get in insight how tensions can harm or benefit collaboration in the frame of regional development projects. The concepts of collaboration and tension will be explained and findings from real world projects will be given.Based on empirical information it will be presented how tensions and collaboration can be balanced in a fruitful way.
Every students has an idea of his or her idea regarding various sustainability issues. By bringing together various contradicting opinions this lecture strives to experience that tensions need not to turn into conflicts, but can be used as vital drivers for improving the quality of collaboration.
- What do we know about tensions and collaboration?
- The concept of stakeholder
- 15 min walk & talk
- Presentation of exercise & Teamwork on the case
- Teamwork, walk & talk, preparing a poster
- Discussion
FORBEREDELSE: Læs teksten Participation of micro-enterprises and public organisations in rural development projects af Susanne Gretzinger & Mads Bruun Ingstrup, som du finder under DOWNLOAD.
MEDBRING: Pc, papir og pen
PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause, hvor ATU sørger for forplejning. Medbring selv drikkedunk.
FIND VEJ: Du finder lokale U107 her!
Toget har station lige foran Alsion & SDU Sønderborg, og seminaret afslutter, så I kan nå toget.
AFVIKLER: Camilla - tlf. +45 6070 5627 eller e-mail, kontaktes på dagen hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.
Antal deltagere42