News on the black hole in the center of our galaxy and black hole images

SDU Odense, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Lokale: U152
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Torsdag, 7. april 2022 - 12:00

Naturvidenskabelig aktivitet, som giver indblik i den nyeste viden og udvikling indenfor den teoretiske fysiks forskning i og forståelse af sorte huller i vores galakse.

News on the black hole in the center of our galaxy and black hole images

w/Associate Professor Astrid Eichhorn, CP3-Origins & Adjunkt Roman Gold, SDU Galaxy, Syddansk Universitet

What is a black hole? Why is it black and what is it a hole in? We start from these questions, and then learn about observations of black holes to understand how it is possible to make an image of something that is just black and does not emit any light.

We will learn about the image of the black hole M87 that is over 50 million light years away from us, and what it took to create an image. We will calculate how big a telescope has to be to take such an image and then learn why it takes telescopes all across the globe to image this black hole.

For the final part of the course, one of the researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration - which is taking images of black holes - will join us to explain, why it is so challenging to take an image of the black hole in the center of our own galaxy and give us an update on brandnew research.

16.00 - 16.20: What is a black hole? 

16.20 - 16.40: Calculation exercise in small groups: How large would the moon be if it was a black hole? Comparison with the size of the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy

16.40 - 17.00: What do we know about the black hole in the center of our own galaxy? 

17.00 - 17.30: time for questions and students design a quiz based on the material of the first half of the course 

17.30 - 18.00: Dinner break (husk madpakke!)

18.00 - 18.15: Students take the self-designed quiz

18.15 - 18.45: Black hole shadows, General Relativity and gravitational lensing. 

18.45 - 19.00: Break

19.00 - 19.30: Roman, member of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, explains how an image of a black hole is taken in practise, explains why the black hole in the center of our own galaxy is very tricky to image and shares a future outlook of the collaboration's work

19.30 - 19.45: Philipp shares how he is and has been contributing to research on black holes as a bachelor and master student at SDU

19.45: Time for final Q & A

ANBEFALING: (If you have access) Watch a part of the Netflix documentary "Black holes - the edge of all we know" - namely the parts where the Event Horizon Telescope observations are shown. The parts which are a theoretical discussion can be skipped. Watching the documentary is optional, not mandatory.
MEDBRING: Pc og/eller papir og pen

PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause men ingen forplejning, så husk madpakken! 

FIND VEJ: Du finder lokale U152 her!

AFVIKLER: Kira - tlf. +45 5383 6945 mail:, kontaktes på dagen hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.

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