LIVESTREAMING | Nonviolent resistance

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Tirsdag, 25. januar 2022 - 12:00

Nonviolent resistance

v/Srdja Popovic, Serbian political activist, Founder and Executive director of the Center for Applied Nonviolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS)

Srdja Popovic is the Founder and Executive director of the Center for Applied Nonviolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS), a non-profit organization based in Belgrade, Serbia that aims to teach the use of nonviolence to make a change.

He was born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia (then part of Yugoslavia), in 1973. Since his early twenties, he has focused on activism, democracy and human rights issues.

In 1998, Popovic founded the student movement 'Otpor!' ('Resistance!') which played a crucial role in ousting president Slobodan Milosevic, former Serbian dictator accused of war crimes. After Milosevic was defeated in 2000, Popovic was elected to the Serbian Parliament where he served from 2000 until 2004.

Following his career in the Serbian Parliament, Popovic went on to found CANVAS, acting as its executive director ever since. CANVAS was created with the intent of teaching people all over the world about how to be successful in nonviolent conflict. So far, the organization has worked with activists from 46 different countries, spreading the knowledge of the nonviolent strategies and tactics used by Otpor! worldwide.

Based on his work, as well as his book ‘Blueprint for Revolution’, Srdja Popovic will talk about nonviolent resistance.

45-60 minutes presentation and 15 minutes Q&A moderated by Noa Kjærsgaard Hansen.


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