London International Model United Nations 2016
Som en del af Forår 2016-programmet med frivillige aktiviteter sender Akademiet en delegation bestående af Akademie-elever (Årgang 2014) og Akademi-alumner (Årgang 2013) afsted til London International Model United Nations. Det foregår fra torsdag d. 25. februar til mandag d. 29. februar 2016 i London, og er en weekend fyldt med masser af unge mennesker og politik.
London International Model United Nations is the largest annual univeristy level MUN conference in Europe, and it is hosted by the student organisation London International Model United Nations. Join London International Model United Nations for a weekend filled with international political dilemmas and delegates from around the world.
London International Model United Nations is a simulation of the different United Nations organs and other forums of international relations and asks young people to take on the role of world leaders. It aims to build an understanding of global challenges amongst young people that crosses borders of background, culture and nationality. Using both the knowledge, experiences and the relationships they form through LIMUN, it is hoped that that the next generation of world leaders and thinkers will be able to work effectively to find solutions to future global problems that are compatible with the aims and principles of the United Nations and promote the spirit of cooperation.
Taking on the role of an Ambassador to the UN, participants experience the complexities of international policy formation at first hand. Each delegate represents the viewpoint of a single Member State of the United Nations or non-governmental Organisation (NGO), researching that country's or NGO's policy and advocating these views to other delegates.
In this way, participants have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with state policy, ideas and cultures different to their own and put themselves in the shoes of a real diplomat.
During an MUN conference a whole spectrum of issues can be dealt with; from issues of Security, to Development or Human Rights.
MUN encourages the development of skills essential to all fields of study and employment, such as: strong leadership, initiative and expertise in public speaking; negotiation, mediation and consensus building; and the ability to form relationships rapidly with people of alternative backgrounds and viewpoints.
The program is heavily packed with committee meetings, political sessions and social events.
- Akademiet dækker deltagergebyret til den faglige del af konferencen (65 GBP). Der vil være en egenbetaling på omkring ca. 2.000 kroner for rejse og ophold - vi forsøger at gøre det så billigt som muligt. Derudover skal du selv dække transport, forplejning og socialt program i London.
- Der er 15 pladser til LIMUN - 10 til Årgang 2014 og 5 til alumner fra Årgang 2013.
- Vi flyver fra Billund.
- Du SKAL have deltaget i Model UN på Akademiets Summer Camp eller have anden relevant erfaring med MUN og lignende.
- Du SKAL være fyldt 18 år på afrejsetidspunktet.
- Du SKAL være god til engelsk både mundtligt og skriftligt.
Når tilmeldingen er slut den 11. januar, vil alle tilmeldte blive bedt om at besvare et spørgeskema, hvorefter det vil blive udvalgt, hvem der skal med. Tilmelding til denne aktivitet er
Aktiviteten afvikles i samarbejde med Akademiet MIDT.