How do Humans and Computers Work Together to Deliver Food Faster?

SDU Odense, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Lokale: U46
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Onsdag, 23. november 2022 - 12:00

How do Humans and Computers Work Together to Deliver Food Faster?

w/Ph.D., Postdoc Researcher, Srinivasa Raghavendra Bhuvan Gummidi, computer science, Mechanics of Spatial Crowdsourcing Applications, SDU

Despite the advances in technology, many tasks are not effectively resolved by computer-based automated algorithms. These tasks range from image recognition to entity resolution and require the human cognitive ability to improve the algorithms’ performance. Crowdsourcing helps resolve such tasks by providing a platform to engage ordinary workers (crowd) to harness their capabilities.

In my lecture, I will introduce the topic of crowdsourcing. Here, I will focus on a particular class of crowdsourcing called spatial crowdsourcing (SC). We will delve into different modes of SC and explain the different challenges/ issues faced by various SC applications.


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