ATU | Fokus: Dybhavet
v/Ph.d.-studerende, Lisbeth Fürst Sørensen & Leah Brinch-Iversen, Biologisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet
In the workshop you will, together with The Danish Centre for Hadal Research (HADAL), investigate the mysteries of Hadal trenches, located at 6-11 km ocean depth, which are more inaccessible than the Moon itself. The HADAL centre explores how extreme pressure shapes biological functions, interactions, deep-sea biogeography, and elemental cycling. The research also focuses on understanding material transport, deposition, and uncovering new life forms which are adapted to this extreme environment.
Join the workshop for a dive into the deep depths through both video recordings, a tour of the seabed lander systems, and a hands-on experiment using high-pressure chambers. Explore the unseen and unknown with HADAL!
16.00 Welcome
16.15 Introduction to the hadal zone
16.45 Break
17.00 Overview of the Hadal Centre activities
17.30 Dinner break
18.00 Demonstration of oxygen measurement techniques
18.30 Tour of the facilities
19.00 Break
19.15 Pressure vessel activity
19.45 Conclusion of workshop
20.00 Thank you for today!
ATU | Fokus-arrangementer er åbne foredrag for interesserede og engagerede gymnasieelever i hele Region Syddanmark arrangeret af ATU | Syd sammen med forskellige samarbejdspartnere. Det betyder, at du må og kan invitere dine interesserede venner/klassekammerater med til aktiviteten, og jeres venner kan tilmelde sig her!
PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause, men ingen forplejning - så husk madpakken!
FIND VEJ: Du finder Biologisk Instituts Seminarrum her!
AFVIKLER: Camilla - tlf. +45 6070 5627 eller e-mail:, kontaktes hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.