Drones for good?

SDU Odense, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Lokale: Ellehammer Seminarrum
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Onsdag, 22. september 2021 - 12:00

Humanistisk workshop om etikken bag brugen af droner, og hvorvidt vi bør udvikle teknologien bag disse. Nogle droner bliver brugt i krigsførelse og har flere tusinde menneskeliv på samvittigheden, mens andre redder folk, der er indespærret i brændende bygninger eller begravet under laviner. Droner bruges også af virksomheder og privatpersoner til alt fra lovlig overvågning af privat ejendom til tvivlsom udspionering af naboen. Både de militære og civile droner vækker intens debat over hele verden. Debatterne handler om privatliv, sikkerhed, krigs-etik og hvad der sker, hvis dronerne bliver så intelligente, at de kan slå mennesker ihjel på egen hånd. 

Drones for good? Join the discussion between a philosopher of technology and a drone engineer

v/Lektor Stig Børsen Hansen, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, & Lektor Dylan Cawthorn, SDU Dronecenter, Syddansk Universitet

Do we have the technologies we do, because they are the best at what they do? Can technologies be bad or good, or should we reserve those words for people? These are questions that historians and philosophers of technology have long thought about and studied, and the questions are constantly coming alive with the development of new technologies.

We have become used to equating the word “technology” with “information technologies” and social media, but unmanned aerial systems (better known as “drones”) are currently being developed to do many different things, and may change our cities, industries, infrastructures and habits in thorough ways in the coming decades.

When developing new technologies, it is key that engineers talk to people from other subjects, such as philosophy. Dylan (a drone engineer) and Stig (a philosopher of technology) have been doing this for a while and invite you to join them in thinking critically and imaginatively about drones. 


  • “Theory” about ethics and technology.
  • Demonstration (video or live) of current drone engineering.
  • Introduction to Values Sensitive Design.
  • Drones and value sensitive design workshop.

FORBEREDELSE: Læs teksten Teknologi & Etik af Stig Børsen Hansen, som du finder under DOWNLOAD.

MEDBRING: Pc, papir & pen

PRAKTIK: Der er spisepause men ingen forplejning, så husk madpakken.

FIND VEJ: Du finder Ellehammer Seminarrum på 2. sal her! (Nemmest at gå på 2. sal via bronzetrappen, hvor lokalet er lige ved siden af)

AFVIKLER: Kira - tlf. +45 5383 6945 mail: kira@atusyd.dk, kontaktes på dagen hvis du bliver forsinket eller forhindret på dagen.

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