Amsterdam University College Model United Nations 2022

Torsdag, 7. april 2022 - 22:00 TIL Mandag, 11. april 2022 - 08:00
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Søndag, 6. marts 2022 - 23:45


I april 2022 sender ATU | Syd for 1. gang en delegation til Amsterdam for at deltage i Amsterdam University College Model United Nations.

Vi rejser som en samlet delegation med delegerede fra ATU | Midt under navnet ATU | Vest. 

Det er en fordel at have deltaget i MUN på en summer camp, ATU | MUN eller at have anden erfaring med MUN for at deltage. 
Du skal kommunikere godt på engelsk både mundtligt og skriftligt.

ATU Syds tidligere delegationer fortæller om MUN

"De to bedste oplevelser er henholdsvis comitee sessions, og så al den tid vi havde sammen med de andre ATU'er."

"Den faglige sparing med nogle af jordens måske klogeste hoveder, giver brede kompetencer indenfor blandt andet engelsk, samfundsfag, historie, kulturforståelse, public speaking, og networking, som man ikke får andre steder. Det er noget som man helt klart skal gøre mindst en gang i løbet af sin studietid"
"International MUN giver både personlige og faglige kompetencer. Konferencen giver mulighed for sociale oplevelser sammen med andre ATU'ere og personer fra universiteter. MUN givet mig mulighed for at få afklaret, hvorvidt det var relevant for mig at overveje et arbejde som politiker. Det er en fantastisk oplevelse, der helst sikkert er penge og tid værd. Det kan ikke beskrives, hvor fedt det er at oprejst i en sal og diskutere med 60 andre lande"
"Man danner helt naturligt nye venskaber, når man sidder i komiteerne, og der var tilstrækkelige "huller" i programmet til, at man kunne lære folk bedre at kende"
"Jeg har haft en fantastisk oplevelse, hvor jeg har lært en masse nye mennesker forbedret mit formelle engelsk og lært mere om internationale forhandlinger"

Amsterdam University College Model United Nations

AUCMUN was founded in order to facilitate student involvement with world issues, the United Nations, and diplomacy. We provide this opportunity to university students by organizing a yearly conference to help them foster an understanding of foreign affairs while stimulating self-growth and -development. Although it is an Amsterdam University College-related event, our goal is not only to attract AUC students but a larger international network of MUN-enthusiasts and provide a rich experience for them over a weekend. In addition to participating in the conferences, the attendees will have the chance to attend exciting activities such as a boat gala.

This year’s slogan is ‘Minds in Motion', which refers to all the great minds that will be working together during the event but can also be understood as life and action starting again after the pandemic. The event will take place in AUC’s Academic Building from the 8th to 10th April 2022 and is expected to gather up to 300 people!

The historic city of Amsterdam provides the perfect backdrop for a global discussion. Its iconic canals and narrow houses are only part of the cultural heart of the Dutch capital. It harbors a rich history, reflected in the architecture and many museums. The city has an international fit, and today is proud to hold over 180 different nationalities. Amsterdam is also one of the Netherlands’ prime student cities, with a young and engaged population, and two top research universities.
Amsterdam University College is a Liberal Arts and Sciences College with a strong international focus. It was created by the two well-established Amsterdam universities: the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit. AUC meets the current global need for a generation that can solve interdisciplinary problems, and accommodates students from all backgrounds. AUC has around 900 students, half of whom are international, and forms a diverse community of honors students in Amsterdam. The campus is located on Science Park, and is only an 8 minute train ride or 20 minute bike ride away from the city center!
MUN is a simulation of the real deal, the United Nations and its numerous organs. MUN conferences typically consist of multiple committees that address topics which could also be discussed at the UN. Participants (a.k.a. ‘delegates’) take on the roles of different countries and defend their viewpoint in the committee debates. Together, within the committee the goal is to formulate a resolution for a plan of action, as a result of negotiations and debate. MUN conferences help delegates develop public speaking, negotiating and debating skills.
There is also a less academic side to MUN conferences, as many conferences also organize social events including galas, borrels etcetera, so there are plenty of opportunities for you to bond and network with your fellow delegates.


BEMÆRK: AUCMUN kræver at man er fyldt 17år på tidspunktet for konferencen.


Afrejse fra Kolding med 4* bus: Torsdag den 7. april 2022 kl. 22.00

Ankomst til Kolding med 4* bus: Mandag den 11. april 2022 kl. 8.00

Indkvartering: TBA

PRIS: Max. 3000kr

Den endelig pris afhænger af hvor mange tilmeldte, der ender med at være, men 3000kr er den maximale pris.

Prisen dækker bustransport Danmark-Amsterdam t/r, overnatning, morgenmad lørdag og søndag, konferencegebyr og fællesspisning søndag aften.

Transport til og fra Kolding, forsikring, øvrige måltider, transport i Amsterdam, billetter til AUCMUN social events, sightseeing og shopping er for egen regning.

TILMELDING:  Hvis du vil med til AUCMUN 2022, så tilmeld dig nu. 

Tilmelding er bindende efter sidste tilmeldingsfrist.


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